Knowledge Base
Thursday, November 4, 2021 Addiction
Addiction can either be a substance use disorder (SUD) or a behavioural addiction e.g. Pornography Addiction, Gambling.
A SUD is a problematic pattern of use of an intoxicating substance leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least two of the following, occurring within a 12-month period; (Diagnostic Statistical Manual, DSM-5)
Why we went the natural family planning way
Couples that resorted to natural ways of spacing their children tell of their experience and what made them make that choice.
Harriet James @harriet86jim
When Christopher Muindi and his wife, Glory Gakii Muindi, got their first child six years ago, they were elated.Though in their mid-20s and young in the eyes of their folks, they wanted to have children and raise a family.
Women bribing medics to remove coils, implants
Many women are living with expired, undesired, or injurious coils and implants as they cannot afford to have them removed.Women with expired devices, suffering intolerable side effects, or want a child, have to beg, plead, cajole or bribe health workers to remove them. “You either bribe or stay with the device until you...